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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Life Must Go On

Some people say, “life is just too short” to waste a single moment dwelling on the past. Yes, at some point they maybe right but in my case it’s kinda different because I am very thankful and undoubtedly I never had any regrets with all the past chapters in my life. Be it the sweetest and the saddest part of my journey.

I am very thankful to my family, mentors, friends and everyone who has contributed something and in any way has helped me shape my life. I am also thankful to someone who temporarily became part of my life and who has inflicted me painfully that even up to this very moment the unbearable pains still linger. Though, I owed a lot from him because if not of the pains and frustrations he caused me I won’t be as strong as I am now. It was the greatest downfall I ever had in my entire life. I was blinded and was betrayed by my own feelings when I mistakenly fell in love to such a very “wrong” person at a very “wrong” time. Sad to say, that whether I like it or not it has already became part of my history and that history itself remains forever.

Now that I became more mature and responsible, it is my utmost hope and desire to dedicate my entire life to my family. Though, I am very proud of myself that I gradually started recovering from my past misfortunes.

Three (3) things I’ve proven myself; “there’s really a solution in every problem”, “there’s really light after dark”, and above all “mind is located/placed above the heart in order to rule over human emotions.


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