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Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Glimpse of Me

I grew up from a very poor family in the northern part of the Philippines. My parents were ondinary farmers and though we have had few hectares of farmland back home, unfortunately they weren't able to send me to university after I graduated from high school.

I simply hated farming and I promised to myself that I really don't want to grow old or to die as a farmer. So what I did was, I left home and I started working in varied blue collar jobs at the age of 17. In 1999, I embarked into university. I worked as student assistant everyday and I attended my classes 4-9 pm. I really strived hard in my studies and after a year I was granted a full academic scholarship from the government. Since then I became a full time student and I also engaged in journalism works being a campus journalist in my university for additional allowances.

I've been through ups and downs throughout my journey, but I never had any regrets because I firmly believed that there's really hope for everyone and that there's really an answer to every prayer. In March 2003, I graduated the degree Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English at Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Few months after graduation, I took and I passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers in the Philippines. Then in June 2004, I was hired as a government English teacher in a secondary institution in my home province - Bukidnon.

Being a typical filipino son who's the only one able to finish university and landed a decent job, I have to help my parents and some of my nephews and nieces. I taught/worked for almost 4 years in the Philippines but it seemed I didn't find any contentment and comfort considering the very low salary of government teachers there. Thus, I decided to leave and tried my luck teaching abroad.

I arrived Thailand last Dec 2007, so almost 10 months now. Currently, I am employed as English teacher in a secondary government school here in northern Thailand.

I am a typical guy who always looks at the positive side of life and I am very ambitious too...despite my current status here, I am still hoping to cross outside Asia if God's will.

Although I am the bread winner of the family, it doesn't mean that I am living a bitter life. I know it's not my lifetime responsibility but I simply love helping my family and that's the least thing I knew I can do to show gratitude especially to my parents while I still have the chance.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

To My Fellows

“We speak of “empowerment.” However, the greatest power on earth is the power of the individual, and that power can never be unleashed until there is a strong sense of personal responsibility.” I once read this very truthful and striking quote that extremely caught my attention. If I’m not mistaken, it was a Filipino writer/commentator who wrote and published it online but inadvertently I failed to recall his name. I really appreciated his brilliance in presenting his views all throughout the said article and I did agree with all the ideas he undoubtedly asserted.

Since my childhood, I used to update myself with all the happenings around me through the access of Newspapers, Radio, Television and currently the modernized Internet gadget. Partly, I would say that I have enough awareness of what is going on in and outside the country - Philippines.

I was employed as a government English Teacher in a secondary institution in my home province-Bukidnon for almost 4 years. However, due to some frustrations and unavoidable circumstances I decided to leave hoping to find my luck abroad. Any dictionary on earth would probably be ran out of words to describe how painful it was to leave my family and love-ones. I was really unsure and can’t even figure out what life awaits me abroad. There ain’t no other weapons I always carried myself except my genuine faith and my educational qualifications that somehow strengthened and encouraged me to be brave enough whichever part of the world fate may bring me.

Indeed, God’s power is really amazing! I haven’t had so much trouble in finding a suitable teaching job abroad. I’ve been to different International Schools in Malaysia and Thailand and fortunately I really honed so much knowledge and I also enhanced my craft. Currently, I am happily employed as English Teacher in a government secondary school here in Northern Thailand. Life is worth living here though I always missed my family and love-ones back home. Income is far better than my previous earnings in the Philippines and so far I am proud to say that I am living my life here full of contentment. No regrets and it really worth all the efforts and sacrifices.

Despite my absence from home, I still continued updating myself about Philippines. I have my own internet access 24/7, I watch Philippine local Television channels regularly and somehow it has given me extra comfort in fighting against “homesick”.

Apparently, crisis is now everywhere in the world. It is a very terrifying fact that the United States of America (USA), which is known to be the most powerful nation on earth is now struggling economic crisis. Whether we like it or not, it has affected the global community especially those petty countries which are extremely dependents from America.

It could be the most frightening situation and for sure this is now the right time for everyone to ponder. Definitely, Philippines is among the countries which is affected by the said phenomena though it has been struggling with its economy decades ago. It’s just too ironic and very unbelievable that the country’s vice-president, Mr. Noli de Castro was calling the attention of thousands of OFW’s based in the US, Korea & Taiwan to come home anytime they might loss their jobs. Is it really true that the government has prepared enough jobs for the prospect “Balikbayans” or perhaps it’s just his simple way of publicity for his political undertaking next election?

I don’t have anything or personal grudge against the vice-president nor do I have the right to condemn or to pre-judge the authenticity of his words but what I’m trying to depict is that every citizen of the country must stop relying from someone else whoever and whatever position they have in the government. Everyone must stop begging from the government, instead we must realize the fact that no one on earth is responsible for our lives but ourselves. I firmly believed that God has perfectly designed our respective fates, He’s the most perfect Architect ever and we’re the engineers of our own lives. Thus, our destiny merely depends on how we work for it. We must take full responsibility in everything we do.

To my dear parents, keep molding your children and keep sending them to school considering the fact that “education” is the most unbeatable weapon that would enable them to escape from the bondage of poverty.

To my fellow youths, be responsible enough. Maximize the utilization of God’s most precious gift - the gift of wisdom. Hold on to your dreams, always strive for the best and defeat every temptation that comes along your journey. Never be part of the country’s unending problems but instead try to contribute something in order to be part of the solution. We’ll prove to ourselves that we are really the backbone and the hope of the nation.

Remember, destiny isn’t a matter of chance but it’s a matter of choice!

Life Must Go On

Some people say, “life is just too short” to waste a single moment dwelling on the past. Yes, at some point they maybe right but in my case it’s kinda different because I am very thankful and undoubtedly I never had any regrets with all the past chapters in my life. Be it the sweetest and the saddest part of my journey.

I am very thankful to my family, mentors, friends and everyone who has contributed something and in any way has helped me shape my life. I am also thankful to someone who temporarily became part of my life and who has inflicted me painfully that even up to this very moment the unbearable pains still linger. Though, I owed a lot from him because if not of the pains and frustrations he caused me I won’t be as strong as I am now. It was the greatest downfall I ever had in my entire life. I was blinded and was betrayed by my own feelings when I mistakenly fell in love to such a very “wrong” person at a very “wrong” time. Sad to say, that whether I like it or not it has already became part of my history and that history itself remains forever.

Now that I became more mature and responsible, it is my utmost hope and desire to dedicate my entire life to my family. Though, I am very proud of myself that I gradually started recovering from my past misfortunes.

Three (3) things I’ve proven myself; “there’s really a solution in every problem”, “there’s really light after dark”, and above all “mind is located/placed above the heart in order to rule over human emotions.
