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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Personality According to Chinese Zodiac

Horse people are extemporaneous and quick-witted. They are quite intelligent and use their practicality to their advantage in their business and personal lives. Their sharpness makes them quick to pick up new skills and are able to handle many tasks at one time. However, this ambition can be harmful because Horse people often don't finish what they start for fear of missing out on the next big challenge.

Horses are trustworthy, friendly and open-minded. They are good friends to have and will always be honest with you. Although they are good confidants, Horse people do enjoy their alone time and are usually independent people. They can struggle with abstinence and self-centeredness, which can lead to a flare of the temper if they don't get their way. Usually, after an episode or temper-tantrum a Horse can feel remorse, yet not all people will be able to forgive their reaction.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


*Just because you think "everyone is doing it," doesn't mean they are. Some are, some aren't — and some are lying.

*There are a lot of good reasons to say "no, not yet." Protecting your feelings is one of them.
*You're in charge of your own life - don't let anyone pressure you into having sex.
*You can always say "no" — even if you've said "yes" before.
*If you're drunk or high, you can't make good decisions about sex. Don't do something you might not remember or might really regret.
*Sex won't make him or her yours and a baby won't make them stay.

Did you know that teens spend an average of 6.5 hours a day consuming some kind of media? And these days, with TV shows, movies, magazines, and basically everything we look at saturated with images of impossibly gorgeous girls and ridiculously buff guys, it can be no mean feat to develop a positive and realistic self-image.
But before you can even think about starting to get to know someone else, doesn't it make sense to get to know yourself? Having self confidence is the first step in helping to make your future relationships healthy and long-lasting. This section offers some important ideas for getting (and keeping!) your confidence up.

*Associate with positive, supportive people. If your friends are constantly down on themselves (or you), how can you keep a good attitude?
*Stop comparing yourself to others. Yeah, she might have a gorgeous new car and he might be getting straight A's, but do you know what's going on behind the scenes in their lives? You rarely know the full story about someone else, so don't assume that you're worse off, unluckier, less gifted than they are.
*Stop putting yourself down. Most people say things to themselves that they would NEVER let a stranger (or even a close friend) say to them. You should be your biggest advocate, not your biggest critic.

One of the most important aspects of your personality - and one that impacts how self confident you are - is your maturity level. Maturity inspires patience, tolerance, and a genuine willingness to work out problems that might develop - key ingredients to a successful and healthy relationship. People at different levels of maturity with a variety of personalities find themselves attracted to different types of people. Being aware of your maturity level can be a huge help with developing a healthy relationship.

Do you have a clear idea of your personality? Of your goals, likes, dislikes, interests, values, wants, and needs? Personality characteristics tend to be fairly stable over time, but sometimes the many dimensions of our personality remain hidden to us until we are challenged by new experiences. If you haven't considered these things - you might not be ready to enter into a healthy relationship. If you don't know yourself, you're probably not ready to truly know anyone else.

You may feel like you're ready to be in a relationship, but have you really thought about it? I mean really? Getting to know yourself is the first step to take before getting to know someone else - remember, everything you do today will contribute to helping you be ready for your future partner. New aged-stuff aside, how do you start working on a "better you"? It's not as hard as you think...Start by asking yourself some simple questions (but be honest with how you answer):

*Do I know who I am and what I want in a relationship?
*Do I have the time and energy to give to another person?
*Am I willing to listen when my partner wants to discuss something - even if it means not watching my favorite show or missing a chance to hang out with friends?
*Do I want my partner to spend every free second with me?
*Do I want to help my partner feel secure and comfortable regardless of the situation we're in?
*Can I handle problems and make safe, responsible decisions?
*Can I stand up for my values and beliefs, even if my partner disagrees?
*Am I able to keep promises and things told to me in confidence?
*Does the idea of my partner having friends of the opposite sex make me nervous?
*Can I/ do I want to prioritize someone else's needs above my own?
*Am I feeling pressured to be in a relationship just because everyone else is in one?
*Am I ready to share my thoughts, feelings, and emotions with another person?

These are just a few ideas of ways that you can look inside and get to know yourself better.

The ability to experience close friendships is often the first step toward understanding more significant relationships later in life. If you're not in a relationship, take this time both to better understand yourself and to build your friendships. Opening yourself up to another person and feeling comfortable with others begins with feeling good about who you are as a person. This means having a positive but realistic idea of the character qualities and skills you bring into a relationship.


What love is:
*Supportive - does your boyfriend or girlfriend encourages you? Attend your baseball game, even though they couldn't be less interested in sports? Do they show up for the play you have a part in even though you're on stage for less than a minute (and you're dressed as a horse)? A love relationship means supporting your partner's interests - even when they don't coincide with your own.
*Unconditional - nobody likes being criticized. But when it's your significant other doing the smack-talking it's much more hurtful...a boyfriend or girlfriend who spends more time belittling you than sweet-talking you is not worth your love.
*Generous - when you're coupled up, suddenly the emphasis is more on the us than on the me. That's not to say that suddenly your feelings go out the window...instead, part of being in a healthy relationship is balancing what you need with what someone else needs. Sometimes it's tough to do, but real love involves generosity of your time.

What love isn't:
*Controlling - this kind of love doesn’t let you be you. Instead, your partner calls the shots and tells you what to do, when, and for how long. Instead of an equal footing, your partner dominates the relationship and always decides what is “best for us".
*Conditional - love that is based on meeting a standard of performance; you have to do something or be something in order to earn the love. So don't dare gain a few pounds, make friends with the wrong crowd, or suddenly stop doing well in your sport.
*Based on lust - this is love based on excitement. Instead of understanding your partner from the inside out - falling for them based on who they are, this kind of love only sees the physical aspects of a relationship.

Meaningful dating relationships involve an emotional investment from both partners. There are lots of types of love, and falling for the wrong reasons can leave you unfulfilled and unhappy. Of course, figuring out whether what you're feeling is truly love or not is easier said than the end, it's a gut feeling and something that should be carefully considered.

Changes in communication, lots of conflict, a decrease in the amount of time you spend together, and, of course, physical or emotional abuse are all reasons to end a relationship. You might also find that your - or your partners' - goals or interests, emotional involvement, or expectations change.
Sometimes, even though a relationship is clearly unhealthy, partners would rather stay together and be miserable than break up and be "alone". This is a huge pitfall to consider when you're dating - staying with your partner simply to avoid being alone can be extremely unhealthy and rarely helps you to grow or gives you the true satisfaction that you deserve in a relationship.
One of the toughest things to go through is a break up - especially if you’re the one getting dumped. Suddenly, homeroom - the place you've been every morning for how many months? - is awkward and strange, the McDonald's around the corner is painful to see, and forget those two classes you share. Before they were the highlight of your it's almost impossible to sit through five minutes. Unfortunately, this "getting re-used to things" is a part of the break up that, while painful, is very necessary. Even though meeting new people may seem about as fun as a root canal, new relationships will develop in time.

Breaking up with someone is never easy... but it's also probably not the hardest thing you'll go through. Lean on your family, your friends, and your hobbies during the tougher times - you'd be surprised how much it'll help to talk to people who love and care for you or to distract yourself with books, movies, working out, playing sports, etc. It doesn't seem like it now, but remember - this feeling won't last forever.

Did you know that over 90% of teens believe that it's important that they get a strong message about waiting to have sex? In fact, 60% of teens who have had sex wish they had waited longer and 75% don't see anything embarrassing about admitting that they're virgins. Clearly, teens in the 21st century are recognizing merit in putting off sex and the consequences - both physical and emotional - that are attached to sex.

Some things to keep in mind about waiting:
*Over half of all teens are not having sex, and of the half that are, most regret it and wish they had waited.
*Unfortunately, the half who aren’t sexually active sometimes think they’re the only ones because they've bought the #1 Sex Myth: everybody’s doing it.
*Moreover, some teens lie about having sex... when you think everybody's doing it - and you know you're not - lying can seem like the easiest option.
*We also know from surveys that boys show significant respect—though often unspoken—for girls who resist pressure to have sex and remain virgins.
*It's hard to believe, but most first time sexual relationships are romantic but short-lived. Eight out of ten first time teen sexual relationships last 6 months or less and one-fourth are one-time occurrences.

There are a million good reasons to put off having sex and one of the best is that your instincts are telling you to do shouldn't be having sex because all of your friends are (or because you think all of your friends are) or because people on TV and in the movies do it and never face any repercussions. Sex is a very personal and intimate choice between two people and should be treated with respect. But if you're looking for some more concrete facts to consider, how about the fact that:
*Sex creates expectations. Sex often doesn’t mean the same thing to two people. One person usually wants the sex to mean something—such as a relationship, commitment, or love. The other person may simply expect that sex will continue, as in ”we had sex today and we’ll have it again tomorrow.”
*Sex-too-soon can stop a relationship in its tracks. Even though it seems counter-intuitive, this is definitely true. Because of unmatched expectations over the meaning of sex, there is often less honesty and less real talking about both people’s true feelings which leads to more wondering about the real feelings and intentions of the other person...then comes the pressuring. Often one person is pressuring for more sex and the other is pressuring for a relationship or a commitment. The result: instead of honesty, openness, and meaningful conversations that build a bond of friendship and genuine intimacy, there is more questioning, dishonesty, second-guessing, and pressuring. You can’t build trust in this situation..
*Sex can take over a relationship. When there's nothing else to build on - like shared experiences or interests - sex can become the major focus. It means a relationship mainly becomes planning opportunities for sex instead of doing fun and interesting things and just plain enjoying each other's company.
*Sex can keep a bad relationship going that should have been ended. Sex doesn’t necessarily mean love - instead, it often confuses two persons' understanding of what each sees in the other. On its own, it can create the illusion of closeness and often becomes a substitute for genuine emotional intimacy and can sometimes keep two people together who should have broken up.The point is, when you use sex to try to get love or mistakenly believe your partner is on the same emotional page as you, you might find yourself disappointed. From there, your impression of sex can quickly lose all its special meaning and beauty.

These days, what you don’t know about sex can hurt you, so you need to know the facts. Whether or not you’re currently having sex with someone, here are some numbers you should know:
91: the percentage of teens who think it's important to get a strong message that they should wait to have sex.
75: the percentage of teens who don't think it's embarrassing to admit to being a virgin.
60: the percentage of teens who wish they'd waited longer to have sex.
50: the percentage of teens who say they're still virgins.
53: the percentage of Latina teens who get pregnant at least once before turning 20
50: the percentage of guys who've never considered what their lives would be like if they got a girl pregnant.
35: the percentage of teen couples who report having initiated sex within the first month of their relationship
31: the percentage of male teens who did not use a condom the first time they had sex
30 - 38: the percentage of teens who are not consistent users of contraception
25: the percentage of people living with HIV in the United States...who don't know that they're infected

If sex is so important and can have too many life-altering consequences - disease, pregnancy, and emotional issues - then why are so many teens having so much unprotected, unemotional sex? It's the million dollar question and can have a million different answers - it all depends on the person.
Before you make a decision about sex, think about the following reasons teens have given for losing their virginity and consider whether your reasons are better:
*I'm curious - I want to experiment/ get experience.
*I just want to get this first time out of the way.
*Sex is no big deal. Everyone is doing it.
*Every one of my friends has had sex - I'm the only hold out. I feel like a weirdo.
*The popular kids in my school are the ones who have sex - I want to fit in with them.
*My partner really wants me to do it - he/ she says that it'll bring us closer together/ prove my love/ show my commitment.
*There's nothing to do in this town but have sex.
*I won't really know how compatible we are until we've had sex.
*My parents are so controlling and strict - they'd freak out if they knew I was having sex.
*We've already had sex once - I can't very well say no now.
*It's just a ”friends-with-benefits” thing - what's the big deal?


Hector, 18: As I was growing up, my parents, especially my mother, told me that making love was this very special thing. I always figured I’d wait until I was a lot older. But a friend fixed me up with a girl from another school last year, and it happened. This girl and I only went out twice. I hardly knew her, but she came on to me so strong that I kind of stopped using my head. I still can’t believe I let myself get pushed into it that way.
Jake 17: All the guys are players. Everyone’s cheating left and right… lots of girls too. No one trusts anyone. Something tells me there’s something better than this. When I look inside me, I don’t feel good about what I’m doing. And, although I’d never say it out loud, I gotta lot a respect for those girls who ain’t just putting out.. That’s the kinda girl I want someday.
Kelly, 16: I was sixteen and a virgin when I started dating Brian. He was great looking, older, sophisticated.. I thought about him every minute. I was completely in love. After a few weeks, we were having sex—in fact, we did it every time we had a chance to be together. At first, I was so happy being with him but then I got scared and upset. I was afraid he would leave me and I felt kind of guilty. Here I was sleeping with this guy, and I was starting to figure out that he didn’t feel about me like I did about him. I was so sure I loved him, but I realize now that I didn’t really know him. I didn’t know then what it means to really know a guy. The truth is that, after a while, the biggest thing between us was sex.
Sandra, 17: I always dreamed that I’d meet the perfect guy and that we’d be so much in love and have this wonderful romance. But I guess I was too anxious to be in love. If a boyfriend would tell me that having sex would deepen our relationship, I went along with it. But I would just end up getting hurt because after we had sex, we would end up having lots of problems and breaking up. This kept happening to me.
John, 17: When I was younger, I ruined a lot of relationships by pushing so hard for sex. I’m kind of ashamed when I look back on it. Sure, I took girls out for dinner or a movie... but my main goal was to get them to bed. I pushed pretty hard. Lots of nice girls didn’t want to go out with me after a few dates. When I look back, I’m embarrassed about what they must have thought of me.
Melanie, 19: I think on the topic of sex I’m starting to understand it more and more as I get older. I have really changed my views about sex and am quite different about how I choose to be with someone. I wasn’t really happy when I was involved with someone and we were intimate, but I still did it. Now, I can’t even get close to doing that and it will probably take a long time for me to want to even think about it! I really need to feel connected and cannot have a relationship like that any more knowing how unhappy it truly made me.

No one knows what the future will bring but we all have some idea of how we want it to turn out. Whether your dreams include becoming an actor or starting your own company or raising a family (or all of the above), there are steps you can take to help yourself achieve those goals:

1. Finish high school or – even better – college: more education means more financial security. And more financial security means less fighting about money and how to spend of the top reasons couples give for divorcing.
2. Wait until your 20's or later to marry: teens who marry are two to three times more likely to divorce
3. Wait to have kids until you're married: less than eight percent of teen moms marry the father of their child. What's more? Only 30% of teen moms who marry after the birth of their child are still in those marriages by the age of 40.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Perfect Friendship

According to an online dictionary, a "friend" is a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. Varied literary writers or poets formulated their respective write ups regarding friendship and one of them whom I like most is Collin McCarty. According to him, "A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. A friend is a living treasure, and if you have one, you have one of the most valuable gifts in life. A friend is the one who will always be beside you, through all the laughter and through each and every tear. A friend is the one thing you can always rely on; the someone you can always open up to; the one wonderful person who always believes in you in a way that no one else seems to. A friend is a sanctuary. A friend is a smile. A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter where you are, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is someone who is always there and will always - always - care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart. A friend is the one door that is always open. A friend is the one to whom you can give your key.

It is very true indeed and I can vouch for it! Yes, I did agree with all the ideas presented by this poet. Let me relate to you my story of "A Perfect Friendship". Would you agree that there's really such a perfect friendship? Well, it's all up to you whether you believe it or not. Anyway, we do have our own perceptions and views on a certain thing or issue on earth.

It was mid November 2002 when I started my internship at Bugo NHS, Cagayan de Oro City. It was a feeling of mixed emotions; excitement and at the same time worries in complying all the requirements, and performing duties excellently as I was vying for Most Outstanding Intern of the Year to be awarded during our graduation. Based on my personal assessment, I really did a good job. I reported to duties on time, submitted lesson plans on time and I also got along well with the BNHS faculty & staff except with a certain lady teacher who acted as the head of ROTC office. Being an intern, I never thought of engaging or creating any trouble in school and heaven knew that I really did nothing wrong at all. But everything turned opposite as what was expected.

One morning, if I'm not mistaken it was break time when I saw a student on duty at the gate wearing his complete ROTC uniform. Honestly, I was attracted to him or perhaps it was a feeling of mere admiration or infatuation whatever it may be. Anyway, it's never a crime to be attracted with someone else regardless of his/her identity, isn't it? I was very aware of the fact that there's no such thing as teacher-student relationship or any form of intimacy. I knew it's against the Teachers' Code of Ethics and Conducts. However, I do believe that friendship has no limitations and doesn't set any standard and that everyone could freely have it.

To make the story short, I was deeply fascinated with that certain student and to my surprise he was under my English class. Oh my gosh! I started to panic and was very worried how to get rid of him. Well, instead of getting rid of him unintentionally I happened to befriend him. I invited him for some snacks and there was also an event that I invited him for dinner and movie at the city though we were in a group that time. Consequently, rumors started spreading in and outside the school campus and it even reached to his parents. We were both under interrogations if that's the appropriate word to use. What can we do? Apparently, we have nothing to deny because we never did anything wrong which might be against morality although some people branded it into something immoral. To calm down the gossips spreading around about us, we agreed to minimize our meetings but honestly we never stopped seeing each other and his family knew it because I still visited him at their home. (hummm, ang hirap talaga ng buhay celebrities...left & right ang mga intriga!...Pano kc campus crush pah ang napili kong maging "bestfriend"

Days rolled into weeks, months, and for almost 6 years now we remained friends. We shared all the laughters and tears that friends usually do, hanging outs, parties, travels, etc. We were through ups and downs within our friendship but still we were able to nourish it and glad to find each other being the best of friends. He's one of the most valued persons in my life. He's one of the living treasures I have. He's more precious than gold...

Best friend JB, a trillion words of thanks isn't even enough to thank you for the perfect friendship you have shared with me. We've been tested by time and distance, so rest assured that whatever happens you'll always be my best friend or perhaps ONE of my best friends as you say.

Please don't ever fade even if flowers do, and even if rivers do run dry.

You're always remembered bro!

God loves the trier!

12 Simple Ways To Supercharge Your Brain (Adopted from: Jay @ Dumb Little Man)

Have you ever felt exasperated when you bumped into someone at the store but absolutely couldn't remember their name? Sure, it happens to all of us.

Despite being the strongest computer on the planet, our brains do lapse. It's hard to blame them really. As humans, we spend much of or existence stuffing our brains with stuff.

No matter how powerful our brains are, they need recuperation time to be kept in shape. Think of it as a tune up for your brain. Skipping brain maintenance is as silly as the person wandering the parking garage because they forgot where they parked. Is that you? Are you that person? If so, fear not; we are all that person at some point.

Now I am not a brain surgeon and I am not going to suggest you do anything surgical or dangerous. I am however an astute student of human behavior so I always look for simple ways to super charge my brain.

Here are some things you can begin doing as soon as today to begin the great brain tune up:

Eat Almonds
Almond is believed to improve memory. If a combination of almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after getting up at morning, it strengthens our memory power. Almond milk is prepared by crushing the almonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar to it.

Drink Apple Juice
Research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates that apple juice increases the production of the essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, resulting in an increased memory power.

Sleep Well
Research indicates that the long-term memory is consolidated during sleep by replaying the images of the experiences of the day. These repeated playbacks program the subconscious mind to store these images and other related information.

Enjoy Simple Pleasures
Stress drains our brainpower. A stress-ridden mind consumes much of our memory resources to leave us with a feeble mind. Make a habit to engage yourself in few simple pleasures everyday to dissolve stress from your mind. Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.

· Enjoy music you love
· Play with your children
· Appreciate others
· Run few miles a day, bike or swim
· Start a blog
· Take a yoga class or Total Wellness routine

Exercise your mind
Just as physical exercise is essential for a strong body, mental exercise is equally essential for a sharp and agile mind. Have you noticed that children have far superior brainpower than an adult does? Children have playful minds. A playful mind exhibits superior memory power. Engage in some of the activities that require your mind to remain active and playful.

· Play scrabble or crossword puzzle
· Volunteer
· Interact with others
· Start a new hobby such as blogging, reading, painting, bird watching
· Learn new skill or a foreign language

Practice Yoga or Meditation
Yoga or Meditation relives stress. Stress is a known memory buster. With less stress, lower blood pressure, slower respiration, slower metabolism, and released muscle tension follows. All of these factors contribute significantly towards increases in our brainpower.

Reduce Sugar intake
Sugar is a non-food. It’s a form of carbohydrate that offers illusionary energy, only to cause a downhill slump once the initial burst has been worn off. Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms. Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia, memory loss and other neurotic disorders. Eat food without adding sugar. Stay away from sweet drinks or excess consumption of caffeine with sugar.

Eat whole wheat
The whole wheat germs contain lecithin. Lecithin helps ease the problem of the hardening of the arteries, which often impairs brain functioning.

Eat a light meal at night
A heavy meal at night causes tossing and turning and a prolonged emotional stress while at sleep. It’s wise to eat heavy meal during the day when our body is in motion to consume the heavy in-take. Eating a light meal with some fruits allows us to sleep well. A good night sleep strengthens our brainpower.

Develop imagination
Greeks mastered the principle of imagination and association to memorize everything. This technique requires one to develop a vivid and colorful imagination that can be linked to a known object. If you involve all your senses - touching, feeling, smelling, hearing and seeing in the imagination process, you can remember greater details of the event.

Control your temper
Bleached food, excess of starch or excess of white bread can lead to nerve grating effect. This results in a violent and some time depressive behavior. Eat fresh vegetables. Drink lots of water and meditate or practice yoga to relieve these toxic emotions of temper and stressful mood swings.

Take Vitamin B-complex
Vitamin B-complex strengthens memory power. Eat food and vegetables high in Vitamin B-complex. Stay away from the starch food or white bread, which depletes the Vitamin B-complex necessary for a healthy mind.

I don't believe these are that tough. If you find yourself increasing stumped, give a couple of these a try.

Written by Shilpan Patel of Success Soul and cross-posted from Dumb Little Man, a web site that provides tips for life that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane.

[photo credit: Getty Images}