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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Working Overseas

Because of the terrible unemployment problem of the country, everyone dreams to work overseas. Sad to say that more than 8% of the estimated 88 million people in the Philippines are currently unemployed. This isn't new to me anymore because since I was young it has been one of the major problems that the country has been struggling.

Apparently, the Philippine government isn't able to provide sufficient and lucrative jobs to its citizens despite the efforts of the country leaders and officials. Well, I don't think the government should be blamed solely on this matter. However, everyone should realize and take his/her own responsibility to lighten the burden.

Most people believe that working overseas is a great escape or solution to poverty. Yes, I agree and it could be partly true. As of today, there are approximately 11 million Filipinos working abroad and what do they have in common? For sure, they have the same reasons why they chose to leave and work overseas...greener pasture!

Greener pasture means brighter future...but how is it really living and working overseas? Well, not all overseas workers luckily found greener pasture abroad. There are thousands or even more were victims of illegal recruiters. Some were abused and maltreated by their respective employers and some women even landed into prostitution.

Whether we like it or not, these things are terribly happening and it seems unstoppable. Despite such reality, nobody can stop people from dreaming abroad. People should always be mindful that working abroad hoping to find a greener pasture is like risking in a gamble. Some people win and obviously some people also loss. Anyway, that's life.

Working overseas isn't really that easy. First and foremost, you have to suffer the unbearable pain of separation from your love ones. You have to adjust and adhere with the customs and traditions of that place, you have to submit fully to their policies and regulations, you have to persevere with the weather, etc. If you find these things easy for you then go ahead! Otherwise, you better fasten your seatbelt and stay where you are. It's always "homesick vs. dollars".

Fellas, if luckily you are having a permanent job in the Philippines, I would suggest you better stay. Think it over a million times if you really want to pursue your dream abroad.